A New Year

A new year, a time we mark a new start.  If you are like me, we think maybe I can get things right this time, this year.  This reminds me of a story in the Bible.  An expert in religious law asked Jesus what should I do to inherit eternal life?  Jesus responded, ‘What does the law of Moses say?  The expert responds, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.  And ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  Jesus says, ‘You are right!  Do this and you will live!’  Then the man tries to come up with a measurement for his own goodness.  But was it really?  Or did he want to be able to prove to others he was good or at least better than the people around him.  That’s not what faith in Jesus Christ is about. 

People of all kinds liked to hang around with Jesus.  The church is the body of Christ. If that is the case, they should like to hang around with us.  There should be something about us that causes people who aren’t like Jesus to gather.  This year I want to be more like Jesus.  People flocked to Jesus because he fed them, healed them, comforted them, and promised them things.  We should do these things, too.  Noble Avenue Baptist Church (NABC) is like Jesus.  NABC is a place of grace.  We have experienced God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense.  And because of that we want our neighbors to as well. 

Church family it is a joy to serve with you.  God grows his church.  God is doing a work in us.  A work that is touching Guthrie, Oklahoma and around the world.  Be encouraged the more we love Jesus, follow him, and help others to do the same; the more we will see God’s grace change us and the world for his kingdom.  Thank you for being a part.  Pray for God to show you how and where he wants you to serve here at NABC and do it.  Let’s pray, God use NABC, this place of grace to grow your kingdom in 2023 and beyond. 


Grace and Peace,

Brian Frank
Pastor, Noble Avenue Baptist Church


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